Kehillat Bet Hamidrash Synagogue


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Shabbat & Festival Etiquette

Jewish laws and customs require the congregation to stand during certain prayers. Movement to or from the sanctuary is inappropriate while the ark is open, when the leader speaks to the congregation, during our Torah’s processional, or while the congregation stands in prayer.

Kindly treat the Siddur Sim Shalom and our Chumashism (books with the Torah and Haftorah portions) respectfully. Please do not sit on them, place them on a chair face down, set other items on top of them, or put them on the floor.

We ask all boys and men to wear a kippah (yarmulke or head covering) when entering the facility and to keep one on after the conclusion of services and while in the building. Please remove your tallit (prayer shawls) upon leaving the sanctuary.  Only Jewish participants should wear tallit.

On Shabbat (the Sabbath, from sunset Friday through sunset Saturday) and the Yom Tov festivals our observances do not permit smoking or photography in the synagogue or on the grounds. Please be sensitive to others and turn off your cellular phone and all electronic devices during Shabbat, holidays, and all prayers services.

To honor the day’s sanctity, please do not write notes or exchange gifts or money in the synagogue during Shabbat or on festivals. We also request that older children and adults do not eat food, drink, or chew gum in the sanctuary during the service.

We hope everyone joins us at the Kiddush after the service for greetings and conversations. Thank you for joining us to celebrate and worship.

Click here for a full guide about the synagogue and services.